WIP Wednesday

I decided to follow the crowd and make Wednesdays WIP Wednesday à la Tami on Blogspot.

I hope that this will give me incentive to post something every Wednesday. I have a bad tendency to let time get away from me.

Progress should be my middle name. Pinko Progress Knitter. Ha! I’ve been zipping right along on all my current projects. The Spider Queen has nearly half of her final edging completed. That’s right, nearly half. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, she’ll be finished before the month is over. No pictures of her this time–she’s sleeping soundly in the knitting corner and I don’t want to disturb her.

My other current knitting project, the Show-Off Stranded Socks, is also happily marching toward completion. I’m nearly finished with the leg of sock #2, so the socks should also be completed before September runs out of days.

Show-Off Stranded Socks

On the spinning front, I’ve been spinning up some Falkland from Spinneretta in the Drought Time color way. I’ve spun about 3/4s of the fiber. It’s a lovely color way, don’t you think?

Some lovely Falkland on the spindles

12 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday

    • Thanks. I love the texture on the socks, too. It works really great with the hand painted yarn. The spinning is a bit of an experiment with fractal spinning, so I won’t really know how it turns out until I ply the singles. But with such lovely colors, I don’t know how it could go wrong. 🙂

  1. That color of the yarn you’re spinning is very pretty indeed. And it’s always good to see someone else who likes to spin on a drop spindle.

      • I’m also thinking about getting a wheel, but only in a vague sort of way. I’m so new to spinning that I havent’ really had time to absorb a lot of information yet. What are the good brands? What are the virtues of certain styles of wheels over others? Which wheels are good quality but high priced because they’re a luxury brand? Etc…

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